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920 SALE!! 5lb All in one bags @ $25 & 1.5lb Grain @ $6.99 HAPPY MAGIC MUSHROOM DAY!!

Cubensis Strain Lineage

A+ (AStrain)
      Originally marketed by Ralphsters Spores also known as AStrain.

AAs (Albino A+)
      Mislabeled albino leucistic A+ supposedly originating from Ralphsters Spores.

      AA+ Isolation unknown originator Acadian Coast reportedly isolated from Louisiana coast.

      Albino Amazonian Isolated by James Block and Jason Redman

      Supposedly a hybrid of Golden Teacher Cubensis and Psilocybe Mexicana unknown originator.

Albino Chodewave (ACW)
      Albino Isolation of OG Chodewave credited to Uncle J PJ Holder Dustin Fischer Eric Gillium and Adam Toney.

Albino Monkey Dick/Dong (AMD)
      APE Isolation by Nichy Myco and Suzie Greenberg.

      Little to no information was found about this variety at all It is mentioned in early blog threads so it's suspected to be an OG almost lost variety such as SyZyGy.

AMAK (Albino Melmak)
      A true albino Melmak TP Isolation by Dave Wombat.

American Mystic
      MagicMyco cross of PEG x Purple Mystic.

      Albino TAT x Meimak cross by Jik Fibs and Dave Wombat.

APE (Albino PE)
      Apparently originated from Sporeworks and/or Shroomery user Workman some say APE is a cross of PF Albino x PE and others say it is an albino Isolation of PE an albino PE Isolation is most credited as correct.

      APE revert Isolation by Jake Oncid.

      Landrace from Argentina.

      Apparently Isolated from a wild fruit in southern Australia these rumors are not confirmed.

Averys Albino
      Isolated albino Cambodian by Albinous White and Robert Young Aztec God a Mexican variety unknown origin suspected around Mazatec.

      Commercialized cube by Mr G originally marketed as a Cubensis/Azurescens hybrid.

Ban Hua Thanon (BHT)
      From John Allen Thailand.

Ban Nathon Dhupatamyia (BND)
      From John Allen Thailand.

Ban Phang Ka (BPK)
      From John Allen Thailand.

Ban Thurain (BT)
      From John Allen Thailand.

      B+ x PE cross not related to TidalWave or MagicMyco.

Blue Jay
      TAT x Melmak Isolation by Jik Fibs.

Blue Magnolia Classic (BMC)
      Originally Isolated by two Shroomery users from Mississippi.

Blue Magnolia Rust (BMR)
      Rust spored Isolation of BMC by Mycotopia user Cue questions over originator.

Blue Meanie (cube)
      Named by Keeper after Pan Cyan nickname many say this was just a marketing ploy.

Blue Moon
      TAT x Melmak cross Isolation by Jik Fibs.

      Landrace from Brazil.

      From Yangon Myanmar apparently gifted to John Allen who then Isolated.

      Landrace from Cambodia.

      Also called Florida White commonly leucistic Isolation unknown originator.

      Apparently a cross of PF Albino x F+ by Shroomery user The Chosen One.

      Landrace apparently from the isiand of Fiji.

      TAT x Melmak cross Isolation by Jik Fibs.

      TAT Isolation by Jik Fibs further Isolation Ghost Rider.

Golden Halo
      Muddled history some claim these originated from a wild Jamaican sample some claim this was Isolated from a wild fruit from the Gulf Coast USA in 2012 by GoldenHaloSpore Company others say this is an Isolation of CRS credited to Shroomery user Morelman in 2015 in other words we may never know the true origin of Golden Halo.

Golden Mammoth
      Little history many say this is a B+ Isolation/rename by Mr G some say these drop rust or gold spores.

Golden Teacher (GT)
      Generic commercialized cube some say originally from the coast of Georgia USA unknown originator some say Mr G.

Great White Monster (GWM)
      Apparently Isolated from a chemically altered white fruit also apparently a cross of Puerto Rico x AAt some even say that GWM is just an Isolation of AA+ questions over originator.

      Landrace from Guadalajara Mexico.

Gumby Melmak
      TP Isolation by Dave Wombat same origin as AMAK.

      From Vietnam Isolation credited to John Allen.

      Isolated from a wild Alabama fruit unknown originator.

      Landrace from village Huautla de Jiménez in Mexico.

Illusion Weaver
      Apparently a Keeper Isolation/rename.

Jack Frost
      TAT x APE cross by Dave Wombat.

Jedi Mind Fuck (JMF)
      Unknown origin possible Keeper or Willy Myco Isolation/rename but there is little to no credible information available on this variety.

John Allen (Allen Strain)
      Namesake variety brought back and Isolated by John Allen from Thailand commonly confused with species Psilocybe Allenii also named after John Allen.

      KSSS x APE cross unknown originator.

      KSSS Squat x TAT cross by Dave Wombat and Jik Fibs.

Koh Samui Classic (KSC)
      From Hua Thanon Thailand originally credited from John Allen.

Koh Samui Super Strain (KSSS)
      Isolation of KSC questions over originator various phenotypes from peyote to squat.

      Long APE Isolation by Nichy Myco and Suzie Greenberg.

Long squatty
      GT Isolation by Dave Wombat.

Leucistic Treasure Coast (LTC)
      Isolation originated by Luna Morningstar.

Lex Luther (Cream Lex Luther)
      Originated and Isolated from wild samples by Berserker Genetics Cream Lex Luthor known to be leucistic Isolation.

Lipa Yai
      Isolation from Lipa Yai Thailand credited to John Allen.

Lizard King (LK)
      Isolated by Shroomery user Lizard King apparently from Gulf Coast USA.

      Stabilized phenotype of Chodewave (TW x APE) credited to Uncle J.

      Melmak OG x Avery Albino cross most likely unstable Avery Albino.

      Landrace from the Malabar Coast in India.

      From Malaysia credited to John Allen.

      There is almost no credible information given on its origin or history unknown originator.

      Landrace from Mazatec Mexico.

      Supposedly a PE hybrid/cross by Terence McKenna not much other credible info available.

Melmak Revert
      Reverted Melmak Isolation unknown originator possibly Edible Earth Fungi.

Melmak 118
      Edible Earth Fungi Melmak OG Isolation.

      (Melmak OG or Homestead PE) PE Isolation originally from the Homestead Company bought out and distributed by Alf in 2017 many say Melmak is the closest to the OG PE genetics that we can get now.

Melmak TP
      (Thick Penis) Edible Earth Fungi Melmak Isolation.

      Isolated from Texas by Shroomery user lostfreddy Mexican Albino leucistic cube mislabeled albino from Mexico and credited to John Allen originally marketed by Ralphsters Spores.

Mexican Dutch King
      Found in many coffee and head shops in Amsterdam many credit this variety to a lost European High Times vendor.

      Some say this is an Isolation by Mr G others say this is a Keeper variety suspected Mexican origin.

Moby Dick
      Leucistic cube some say this variety is just renamed AA+ and others say Its a cross of AA+ x GT originator unknown.

Mc Krinkle
      TAT Isolation by Dave Wombat.

      TAT x Melmak cross by Jik Fibs and Dave Wombat.

      MagicMyco Isolation of Namuang Thailand.

Normak (Normac)
      Apparently a Melmak/PE Isolation by Reddit user SjKoD Isolated from a 3 gram fresh sample.

      Yeti (TAT) Isolation by Myco Clay and Strictly Spores Omni Melmak OG Isolation known to throw blob like mutations unknown originator.

Orissa India
      From India credited to John Allen Palenque landrace from Palenque Mexico.

      Cross of PE x Texas Gulf Coast (TGC) credited to Shroomery user RogerRabbit.

      Magic Myco cross of Tidal Wave x Aztec God x AA+ (some say Avery Albino instead of AA+ unconfirmed from source).

Pearly Gates
      Melmak x TAT cross Isolation by TAT Syndicate member Michael Montgomery.

PES Amazonian (PESA)
      From the company Pacifica Exotica Spora likely originated from Colombia originally marketed as a Cubensis/Azurescens hybrid some say the Ain PESA does not stand for Amazonian but rather Azurescens.

PES Hawaiian (PESH)
      PES headquarters was based in Hawaii named this Isolation after their home State.

Penis Envy (PE)
      An alleged Isolated mutation originally from the Amazonian rainforest credited to both Terence McKenna and Steven Pollock in the 1970s some debate with Rich Gee and Homestead Company being true originators.

      An apparent cross of PE x B+ unknown originator.

Penis Envy Hawk (Hawk PE)
      MagicMyco cross of PE x Mazatapec.

Penis Envy Uncut (PEU)
      Apparently a cross of PF Albino x PE credited to Shroomery user Workman.

PE Albino
      Unstable albino PF Classic Isolation originator believed to be Professor Fanaticus.

PE Classic
      Isolation named after famed Professor Fanaticus apparently originally marketed by the Homestead Company.

PE Redspore
      Rust spored PF Classic Isolation unknown originator suspected Professor Fanaticus.

Pink Buffalo (PB)
      From Thailand and credited to Milo Zverino named after rare pink buffalo apparently found on water buffalo dung.

Plantasia Mystery
      Apparently an outdoor grow/isolation by The Grow Room from a Thai cube some have rumored this to be a Cubensis/Azurescens hybrid.

Puerto Rico (PR)
      Landrace from Puerto Rico.

Purple Mystic (PM)
      An Isolation from Plant City Florida by Shroomery user blackdOve420.

      Apparently originated and Isolated by Ralphsters Spores and associates from wild American samples.
      Red spored Isolation/cross by Shroomery user Roger Rabbit apparently an OG almost lost variety legend has it that modem day Redboy comes from a Roger Rabbit snake venom cross of a true redspored cube and Puerto Rico.

      TAT x Tidal Wave cross originated by Berserker Genetics and Seven Del Gato.

Roatan Honduras
      Apparent landrace from the Roatan island off Honduras.

Roger Rabbit (RR)
      Leucistic TAT Isolation by Kilor Diamond.

Rusty Whyte (RW)
      Cross of AA+ x Colombian Rust by Shroomery user PastyWhyte.

      Stabilized phenotype of Chodewave (TW x APE) originated by Uncle J.

Shamans Gift
      Very little is known of this variety some suspect this to be a Keeper Isolation.

      Albino Malabar Isolation by Angela Aden and Bjorn Andersen.

Shooting Star
      Keeper Isolation not much known other than that.

South African Transkei (SAT)
      Reportedly from South Africa not much documented.

South American
      From Venezuela apparently introduced into the region by man.

Sporeworks PE (SW PE)
      Standard isolation of PE by Sporeworks known to blob and mutate.

      Apparently Isolated from a wild sample originally in South America near Incan ruins Suspected in Peru This variety is held in high regard by Paul Stamets.

Starry Night
      APE isolation by Jeff Hutchens.

Sunny Side Up (SSU)
      Cross of Melmak Revert x APE by Nichy Myco and Suzie Greenberg.

      Almost extinct variety SyZyGy was the name of McKenna brothers shop in Hawaii Isolation apparently from Terence McKenna and distributed/revived by Free Spore Ring Europe.

      Landrace from Tasmania OG.

True Albino Teacher (TAT)
      Albino GT by Jik Fibs.

Wombat TAT
      Albino GT/TAT Isolation by Dave Wombat.

TAT Black Cap (TBC)
      TAT Isolation by Dave Wombat and Jik Fibs further Isolation Harly Quin.

      Magic Myco cross of Tidal Wave x Penis Envy.

Texas Gulf Coast (TGC)
      Landrace Isolation from the gulf coast of Texas unknown originator.

Thai Elephant Dung
      From Thailand credited to John Allen supposedly found under wild elephant dung.

Thai Lipa Yi
      From Thailand credited to John Allen.

Tidal Wave (TW)
      Magic Myco cross of PE x B+ multiple isos and variations such as TW #4 and TW #2 (Enigma).

Treasure Coast
      Supposed landrace from Floridas Treasure Coast some say Mr G originated/Isolated this variety.

      MagicMyco cross of PE x Tidal Wave x Aztec God.

      MagicMyco cross of Tidal Wave x Aztec God.

White Teacher
      Leucistic Golden Teacher unknown originator.

      Landrace apparently from Southern Australia however this is not confirmed and is debated.

      Suspected Mexican origin not much documented on this variety.

      TAT x Melmak cross Isolation by Jik Fibs.

      TAT Isolation by Jik Fibs various further isos like Nutcracker 20 King Yeti Yodas Yeti (Seven Del Gato Isolation) and Deep End.

Zillacyhin (Zilla)
      MagicMyco cross of Lizard King x KSSS xAPE ZStrain Keeper Isolation/rename many people assume this to be B+ Isolation.
Thank you to Taylor Yates and SporeSwaps for taking the time to find the origins of these strains. This is an estimated/working list not every known variety will be on it and some information may be incorrect or wrong New varieties are constantly being found isolated named and/or crossed Please note that this list may have multiple problems or mistakes in it all of the origin and historical information on this list is what we found in our research to be the most credible and believable All of this information is supposed if its not from the originator themselves Most if not all originators/isoers were reached out prior to releasing this list for permission and clarification of their work and name If there are any mistakes we do apologize please reach out to a SporeSwaps admin to resolve and fix any issues in this list If you have any other information of differing stories or origins of any of these varieties please reach out to an admin as well Mush love to all.